Information from HMRC – VAT registration helpline will be closing!
From Monday 22 May 2023,…
Keeping on top of your business finances
As a small business owner, it's important to keep on top of your…
New VAT penalty points scheme
As a firm of accountants, we welcome the introduction of the…
Spring Budget 2023 – A summary of the key announcements
A summary of the key announcements:
Business tax
Winter Economy Plan
New Job Support Scheme
To be introduced from 1st November, to…
Self Employment Income Support Grant
HMRC have released an online eligibility checker for self employed…
HMRC will begin to contact those eligible for the Self Employed grant from this week!
Great news 😀 HMRC will begin to contact those eligible…
HMRC have released an online eligibility checker for self employed individuals
HMRC have released an online eligibility checker for self employed…
COVID-19 Uttlesford District Council – Small Business, Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant
Small Business Grant Fund (SBGF) of £10,000
To be eligible…